Download Heroes War™ V2.2.7 APK

Heroes War™ V2.2.7 APK Download

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Heroes War is a turn-based fighting game, much like the battles of the first Final Fantasy games. You have to team up your characters, equip and upgrade them to fulfill a series of missions in order to unfold a story about a mysterious bratty woman called Sylvia and help her to find neostones, which are the premium in-game currency by the way.

game design characters is superb, at least as long and your self-esteem isn’t threatened by unnaturally busty girls or over pumped up muscular guys. Heroes War supports six different languages so you don’t miss a thing and it’s a long game that can be played for many days and weeks. However, it requires constant online queries and the server often fails to ping back, leaving you stuck even in the middle of the tutorial. Likewise, premium purchases are a little bit unclear and discouraging, so once you leave the comfort zone of the first missions you might feel that things get real too quickly. Fortunately you can draw your friends to this game and challenge them or ask them for help in certain missions.

In conclusion, a fairly above average game, though perhaps spoiled by an unbalanced freemium formula.

Download Address:Heroes War™ V2.2.7 APK


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