Download Dainik Jagran - Latest Hindi News India Apk V3.2.2 Apk
My favourite app for news reading. But new UI is quite complex, old one was much better. Here we provide Dainik Jagran - Latest Hindi News India V 3.2.2 for Android 4.1++ Dainik Jagran, India's #1 Hindi News Group, brings you the latest Hindi news, breaking news alert, news in hindi from 400+ cities and news from different categories like politics, cricket, Tech, business and more…. Dainik Jagran hindi news app is all you need to get latest hindi news & breaking news from India.
Top Features of the app:
400+ City & State News: Connect with your hometown. Dainik Jagran news app brings latest news from all across India to your phone. Latest hindi news coverage from 400+ Cities covering politics, local events, crime, business & more. We cover all hindi news states like, UP News, Bihar News, MP, Delhi, Uttrakhand, Punjab and more
Indepth Coverage: Indepth coverage of news, views and analysis of top news stories in politics, Business, Tech, World news, Sports & more…. Our analytical stories provide you with unbiased coverage of all stories be it advantages of GST, Launch of a new mobile phone, general election coverage, latest hindi news in Business or more.
Tech News (टेक न्यूज़): We provide the best Tech news in Hindi, with latest gadgets, new launches, product comparison, trending apps, and suggestions to keep your data protected
Business News (बिज़नेस न्यूज): Daily market updates and analytical news of all latest govt policies be it demonetization, GST, Tax filing, Budget or more. Our business desk experts breakdown the policies in simple hindi news and inform its impact on your daily life.
Common Man Issues & Positive News (पॉजिटिव न्यूज): Tired of all negative news around, read our new positive news section and drive the negativity away.
Entertainment News & gossip (मनोरंजन समाचार):
We bring the latest happening from Bollywood & Indian television shows (TV serials & daily soaps). The latest bollywood rumors, gossip are delivered right to your phone. Expert Movie Reviews, trailers and much more. Detail of the TV serials & daily soaps. Follow your favorite celebrities
Cricket News, Score Alerts (क्रिकेट न्यूज़):
We keep you abreast with all live cricket scores in hindi, fixtures (schedules), cricket news in hindi on and off the field, score updates, expert opinions and much more. We also cover all Indian sports news such as football, hockey, Tennis and many more.
Epaper: Read the latest Hindi News epaper from all local cities. Also see all previous days newspaper.
Bookmark A News & Night mode: Save your favorite news to read later & turn on the night mode for easy reading in night.
Ease of Use: The app is fast event in 2g/3g network and easy to browse .
Notification: Get the latest news notifications & breaking news alerts. You can read all the latest notifications in our notification center.
Offline Reading: Now no need of good internet connection to read news. Switch to offline mode and read all the news without burning your bandwidth.
Audio News: Soon you can listen to the latest news and listen to notifications. (Coming Soon). RECORD_AUDIO: This is required to analyze offline TV viewing data and serve media-targeted ads. Granting this permission is optional. If you'd like to opt-out of this targeting, please visit the following link:
Download Address: Dainik Jagran - Latest Hindi News India Apk V3.2.2
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