Download AudioTagger - Tag Music Apk V6.3.6 Apk

AudioTagger works fairly well; thanks, Dev! I love it, except for the buggy UI, and the risqué full-screen video ads it vomits out. Fixed my mp3 album tags & art which several other tag editors wouldn't fix. Getting artwork from local file or internet is nice (I've found usually I can obtain higher quality album art myself than what comes from Amazon but nice having both options). Batch mode is GREAT; note the check-box in settings for multi- or single- file operation, glad I found that; it should be a switch always on the main UI, not in settings, as it needs to be toggled often. The UI could be improved, and bugs need fixing: spinner tabs randomly don't work; checkboxes that don't check until scrolled off the screen and back again; occasional tag-to-file renaming produces filenames suffixed with numbers; and the banner ads which suddenly appear & shift the whole UI so you accidentally hit the ad rather than the button you were about to press (very irritating) but, AudioTagger does what I want, and rather efficiently now that I got the hang of it. Now to get rid of the damned ads... Here we provide AudioTagger - Tag Music V 6.3.6 for Android 2.3.2++ AudioTagger is an Android audio tag and album cover art editor.

AudioTagger tags following audio file formats:
- mp3, all ID3 tag versions read, most common ID3v2.3 saved
- mp4 audio (m4a, m4p)
- ogg
- flac
- wma

Other features:
- Download album cover art and album song lists from Amazon *** (This feature is no longer working because Amazon has made it difficult, will try to find another solution).
- Batch tag whole albums.
- Batch rename files from tag keywords and the other way round.
- One button search to list all albums on the sd-card
- For more options check the system menu, or the long click on files for context menu options.

For any questions or problems, please email support or visit the forum.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Download AudioTagger - Tag Music Apk V6.3.6 Apk
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