Download OBV:Used Car & Bike Price Tool V 1.8.1
Here we provide OBV:Used Car & Bike Price Tool V 1.8.1 for Android 4.1++ Orange Book Value (OBV) is a platform that helps in determining the fair market price of any used vehicles. Being the first and most advanced algorithmic pricing engine of India, OBV suggests current market value of used cars, used bikes, used scooters and also planes and bicycles – covering 25000+ products including 100+ makes, nearly 1000 models and 4000 variants. It works as an independent value calculator for used vehicles from which users can get the market value of a particular second-hand automobile. Users can calculate the fair market value of a used automobile in less than 10 seconds that too for free.
Orange Book Value comes up with the exact valuation of used bikes, cars and scooters using real time data science working on various factors that lead to value depreciation of automobiles. A valuation tool for used scooters, cars and bikes, OBV is built on Droom’s proprietary technologies and uses real-time data science which analyze empirical evidences in order to come to the final result. This is a pricing guide for used vehicles that helps in quick selling or buying. It considers various factors such as depreciation curves, segment of the vehicle, make, model, year, trim/variant, kilometers driven, aesthetic and mechanical condition of the vehicle.
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