Final Fantasy: All the Bravest is a completely new installment of the legendary role-playing franchise Final Fantasy, and unlike the rest of the games in the saga, it’s centered exclusively on combat. In fact, the game’s objective is none other than to endlessly battle the enemy hordes trying to kill you.
In order to face this challenge, you can create the largest group of adventurers ever seen on Final Fantasy. For practical purposes this means that on All the Bravest you won’t have the classic limitations on group size. Even better, you can choose the classes of your characters to add a good strategic element.
The combat mode, key to the game, is well known by all: the legendary ‘Active Battle System’ that dates back to Super Nintendo and the first PlayStation and is sure to yield frenzied battles full of thrilling moments.
As you defeat your enemies, your characters will gain experience and level up, letting you unlock new characters and classes. In order to unlock special characters, however, you’ll have to pay.
Editors Notes:Final Fantasy: All the Bravest is a very fun role-playing and action game that, thanks to its Final Fantasy setting, will hook more than just your odd player. Plus, it comes with tantalizing retro graphics.
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